Study Group on the Revision of
the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing
ITU-T Rec X.901-904 | ISO/IEC 10746

Background Scope & objectives Submissions Key References

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 has established a Study Group to consider requirements for revision of the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (ITU-T Rec X.901-904 | ISO/IEC 10746). This Study Group is inviting experts to submit proposals on requirements for revision.

Background - Open Distributed Processing Standardization

The objective of ODP standardization is the development of standards that allow the benefits of distributing information processing services to be realized in an environment of heterogeneous IT resources and multiple organizational domains. These standards address constraints on system specification and the provision of a system infrastructure that accommodate difficulties inherent in the design and programming of distributed systems.

Distributed systems are important because there is a growing need to interconnect information processing systems. This need arises because of organizational trends such as downsizing, which demand the exchange of information both between groups within an organization and between cooperating organizations. Advances in technology are making it possible to respond to these trends by giving increasing importance to information service networks and personal workstations, and by permitting the construction of applications distributed across large configurations of interconnected systems.

ODP standardization has four fundamental elements:

Scope & Objectives of the Study Group


The Study Group is concerned with requirements for revision of the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP), which provides a framework for ODP Standardization. The RM-ODP is the mature result of a large amount of technical effort. The Study Group is not expected to propose major restructuring or change, but to correct errors and take account of recent developments in the industry, so as to maintain its broad scope. However, if it becomes apparent during the study that there is merit in considering the standardization of alternative frameworks based on different structuring principles, the Study Group may recommend the establishment of new projects to that effect. In proposing any update to the RM-ODP, the group will take into account the need to remain consistent with existing standards based on it, such as the Enterprise Language, the ODP Trader, the Naming Framework and the standard for Interface References and Binding.


The objective of the study group is the elicitation and analysis of requirements for the revision of the RM-ODP, and the preparation of a set of recommendations to SC7 about the actions, if any, that are required.

Deliverables - RM-ODP Revision Requirements Report

The Study Group will prepare a report to present to the SC7 Plenary in May 2005. The report will document requirements submitted and the actions proposed on them. Recommendations on actions may include:


The approach of the Study Group can be summarized as follows:


Submissions should be made by making an entry in the Project Folder for P-10746-Revision of ODP Ref Model on the WG19 Website at:

Submitters without access to the website are be invited to make submissions by email through the convenor of the Study Group.

Submissions should clearly identify the requirements, the rationale, and the proposed revisions.

Key References

SC7 References

The RM ODP consists of these documents:

The following documents are based on the RM ODP:

OMG References