The Essence of Object Oriented Programming with Java and UML

abstract class 31
abstraction 11, 13
accessor 33
Adaptive Software Development 240, 246
aggregation 12, 22, 58, 95
Agile Alliance 240
anonymous inner class listeners 130
applet 288
application server 289
ArgoUML 265
association 12, 19, 58
attributes 14
class 34
instance 34
AWT 122
Beck, Kent 93, 226, 242, 268
behavior 14
Booch Method 235
Booch, Grady 5, 235
Borland 259
JBuilder 259
build phase 109
C 271
C++ 4, 271
callback 35
candidate attributes 91
candidate objects 90, 92
canvas 119
ChangeEvents 126
check box 120
choosing names 97
class 8
class attributes 34, 68
class definition 14
class methods 34, 68
classes and objects 8
Coad, Peter 235, 267
Cockburn, Alistair 246
code review 110, 229
code smells 229
collaborator 93
COM 290
combo box 120
command button 120
command event 121
command processing 121
compiler 36
composition 12, 22, 58, 95
computer science 4
concrete class 31
Concurrent Versions System 248
constructor 16, 65
container 36
ControlCenter 267
COS Naming 290
coupling 49
CRC cards 93
Crystal 240, 246
Cunningham, Ward 93, 226, 242
CVS 248, 252
Cygwin 253
DAP 290
DCE 290
DCOM 290
decoration 120
default behavior 24
deployment 288
derive 23
design guidelines 104
design pattern
Command 147
iterator 183
MVC 106
Observer 63, 145
singleton 199
design patterns 209
designing an inheritance 107
modal 120
modeless 120
dialog boxes 120
diff 252
distributed computing 289, 290
DSDM 240, 245
dynamic binding 28
Dynamic Systems Development Method 245
GUI 255
modeless 254
vi 255
EJB 291
Emacs 255, 256
encapsulation 11, 14
event loop 122
events 121
example programs
library system 29
exceptions 288
eXtreme Programming 226, 240, 242
practices 243
Feature-Driven Development 240
finalizer 66
Forte 262
Fortran 271
Fowler, Martin 226
framework 118
Free Software Foundation 256
functional test 111
Gamma, Erich 209, 268
Gang of Four 209
garbage collection 16, 66
gen/spec 22
generalization/specialization 22, 95
getter 33, 98
GNU 252
Emacs 256
GNU Public License 252
GPL 252
GNU Public License 247
GoF 209
GPL 247
Graphical User Interfaces
GUI 117
Graphics class 125
grep 252
GUI application 118
GUI library 117
GUIs vs. Consoles 252
has-a 21, 22, 92, 295
has-a test 92
Helm, Richard 209
helper classes 96
hierarchies 19, 95
hierarchy 12
hierarchy discovery 95
Highsmith, Jim 246
HTTP 292
IDE 253
identity 12, 16
IDL 290
IIOP 290
implement 24
implementation details 44
inheritance 12, 23, 51, 96, 107
instance 16
instance attributes 34, 68
instance methods 34, 68
instantiation 16
Integrated Development Environment 253, 257
interface 24, 62
is-a 22, 30, 92, 107
Is-A Test 107
is-a test 25, 26, 92, 107
is-a-member-of 107
J2EE 291
Jacobson, Ivar 5, 236
aggregation 58
applet 288
association 58
Beans 288
compiler 36
composition 58
deployment 288
event listeners 127
exceptions 288
inheritance 51
naming conventions 48
packages 288
threads 288
visibility 47
interface 62
Java Beans 288
Java Naming and Directory Interface 291
Java Transaction API 291
Java Virtual Machine 36
Javadoc 288
JBuilder 259
JDBC 291
Jikes 268
JNDI 292
JNI 292
Johnson, Ralph 209
Joy, Bill 256
JSP 292
JTA 292
JTS 292
JUnit 268
JVM 36, 292
keystroke 121
lex 252
libraries and frameworks 288
lifetime 12, 16, 65
link 35
Linux 247, 252
list selection 120
listener 35
anonymous inner class 130
named inner class 133
single class 130
look-and-feel 118, 136
MagicDraw 265
make 252
memory leaks 67
menu bar 119
merge 252
messages 11, 15
messaging middleware 290
methods 14, 98
class 34
instance 34
middleware 290
messaging 290
mix-in 63
model 98
Model-View-Controller 118, 137
MOM 290
mouse event 121
multiple inheritance 24, 62
multiplicity 20
mUML 267
mutator 33
MVC 118, 137
MVC GUI framework 140
named inner class listener 133
names 97
navigability 59
new 36
nouns and verbs 90
object 7
object attributes 96
object database 292
object discovery 89
object hierarchies 95
Object Management Group 5
Object Modelling Technique 236
object names 97
object operations 98
object orientation 3, 7
object personification 96
ObjectDomain 267
Object-Oriented Analysis 89, 102
Object-Oriented Design 102
OOD 89
object-oriented programming languages 4
object-oriented system 10
Objectory 236
ODBC 292
ODMG 292
OMG 5, 293
OMT 236
OOA 89, 102
OOD 102
OODB 293
open source 247
new 36
ORB 291
overriding 23
packages 288
pane 119
part-of 21, 22, 295, 305
POA 291
polymorphism 12, 26
Pragmatic Programming 240
programming editors 253
progress bar 120
RAD 245
radio button 120
Rapid Application Development 245
Ratfor 271
Rational Rose 266
Rational Software 266
Rational Unified Process 236, 237
rcs 252
redraw event 122
refactoring 225, 268
reference 16
release 111
resize event 122
responsibility 8, 14, 93
RMI 292
root class 23, 31
Rumbaugh, James 5, 236
RUP 236, 237, 293
sccs 252
sequence diagrams 99
servlet 291
setter 33, 98
single inheritance 24
single listener 130
slider 120
Smalltalk 137
SoftModeler 267
software model 7
software release 111
software tools 252
Solaris 252
sort 252
Source Forge 248
spinner 120
SQL 293
SQLJ 292
Stallman, Richard 256
state 14
strong type checking 45
structured development 235
subclass 23
Sun Microsystems 256, 262
Forte 262
superclass 23
Swing 16, 122
ActionEvent 126
ChangeEvent 126
ItemEvent 126
Swing events 126
system specifications 89
tar 252
testing department 111
text input 120
text label 120
think objects 9, 105
thinking in objects 13
this 36
thread 122
threads 288
Three Amigos 5, 236
ToghtherSoft 267
tool bar 119
toolkit 117, 120
Torvalds, Linus 247
tr 252
level of detail 102
sequence diagrams 98, 99
unit test 111
Unix 252
Unix-like system 252
VAX 271
version control system 258
vi 255, 256
VIDE 258
visibility 33, 47
friend 33, 49
package 33, 49
private 33, 49
protected 33, 49
public 33, 47
Vlissides, John 209
whole/part 21, 95
window 121
WmvcApp 141
XMI 293
XML 293
XP 226, 242, 268
practices 243
Y2K 271
yacc 252
Yourdon, Edward 235


The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML (DRAFT)

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