::= REC-SPEC [ SORTS ] [ VARS ] [ OPS ] [ RULES ] END-SPEC ::= | e ::= : | e ::= | e ::= op : -> | op : -> { } ::= | e ::= assoc | comm | id( ) | strat( ) ::= | e ::= -> | -> if ::= | , ::= -><- | % == ->/<- | % =/= ::= | ( ) | ( ) ::= | , ::= | e ::= get normal form for: | check the confluence of: -><- id are non-empty sequences of characters except space, '(', ')', '{', '}', '"' and ','; and excluding special sequences '->', '-><-', '->/<-', 'if', and keywords REC-SPEC, SORTS, VARS, OPS, and RULES, and END-SPEC. int are non-empty sequences of digits comments are given using '%'. All the text written in the a line after a '%' is discarded